Funeral Speech by Daughters Sonya, Maya and Laura (in English)


We lost you too soon. You had so much more to live, with your endless energy and passion for life, and now we are left with nothing but fond memories.

You have given us, your daughters, so much in this world...
The love of nature, sport, learning, a curiosity for life, an ability to see the positive side of any situation, and to learn not to take life too seriously.

You taught us how to have fun and not hold back on trying new things and pursuing more interests;
we´ve gathered a few talents because of your encouragement and support.

You never owned much, but were not afraid to splurge on a good meal or a vacation all long as “LA FAMILIA” was united.

You were always seeking an adventure: mountain climbing, traveling to all corners of the earth, skiing off piste, touring around on your vespa...

You squeezed into your nearly 67 years of life what most wouldn´t have even accomplished in 100, and achieved to the highest level.

You´re gone, but memories and stories of you will carry on for generations. You will be in our hearts always.

Papa, you were always a generous, loving father and gave us your all.



  1. Hi,

    My name is Tim Gittins and I worked for Henley in Hungary some years ago when Emilio came here to deliver a presentation at the British embassy in Budapest. It is only now with a sense of shock that I have learnt of his passing and may I please express my condolences. I did not know him very well but had the pleasure of being with him for a day in Budapest and found him to be a very engaging, interesting and knowledgeable man. I too am a business academic and it is very uncanny that I have discovered that Emilio co-authored a paper on SME internationalisation in which I am conducting my own PhD research. I have photographs of Emilio at the Budapest event in 2006 which I would be happy to share if you were to let me have an e-mail address.

    Best wishes

    Tim Gittins

  2. Sorry but I forgot to give you my email address -

  3. My name is Anne Beasley and my husband Ken Beasley (deceased in 2019) and I met Emil and Kathy in El Castellano in Caracas, Venezuela in 1970 when he and my husband were LATF fellows with the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University. We became best friends for two years: sharing family visits, camping trips and of course track and exercise routines biweekly that he organized. We would walk the mile or so to a park in Los Palos Grandes and spend a couple of hours jogging around the track with people of different nationalities and then gather at someone’s house for Cuba libres and pasa palos. We met Emil’s parents, Kathy’s parents and spent a memorable Christmas with my family from Sacramento in 1970 in the Herbolzheimer’s apartment where we played board games. Sonya, I never met you, but I corresponded with your Mom when she was pregnant with you after they returned first to Michigan then Spain. The last time I saw Emil was in 1978 when he returned to Caracas on a visit. Kathy and Emil were our family. One of our exciting experiences was climbing the Avila together in 1970 and I have photos of that. I cried when Kathy passed and now learning about Emil’s passing 13 years ago, I am also sad. He was vivacious, intelligent and active and made everyone he touched better people. If you are on Facebook I can post photos of our get together. My Facebook page is Jean Anne Beasley. My email is My cell is 703-798-3902. I currently live in Northern Virginia in Herndon near DC. What a wonderful family and I would love to renew contact with you Sonya Bachiller. Much Love, Anne Beasley
